Question 1: Find the perimeter, area and length of diagonal of a rectangle, having:

(i) \displaystyle \text{Length } = 15 \text{ cm } \text{Breadth } = 8 \text{ cm }

(iii) \displaystyle \text{Length } = 3 .2 \text{ m } \text{Breadth } = 2.4 \text{ m }

(ii) \displaystyle \text{Length } = 20 \text{ m } \text{Breadth } = 15 \text{ m }


(i) \displaystyle \text{Perimeter of a rectangle } = 2(l+b) = 2(15+8) = 46 \text{ cm }

\displaystyle \text{Area of a rectangle } = l \times b = 15 \times 8 = 120 \ cm^2

\displaystyle \text{Length of diagonal } = \sqrt{l^2+b^2} = \sqrt{15^2+8^2} = 17 \text{ cm }

(ii) \displaystyle \text{Perimeter of a rectangle } = 2(l+b) = 2(20+15) = 70 \text{ m }

\displaystyle \text{Area of a rectangle } = l \times b = 20 \times 15 = 300 \ m^2

\displaystyle \text{Length of diagonal } = \sqrt{l^2+b^2} = \sqrt{20^2+15^2} = 25 \text{ m }

(iii) \displaystyle \text{Perimeter of a rectangle } = 2(l+b) = 2(3.2+2.4) = 11.2 \text{ m }

\displaystyle \text{Area of a rectangle } = l \times b = 3.2 \times 2.4 = 7.68 \ m^2

\displaystyle \text{Length of diagonal } = \sqrt{l^2+b^2} = \sqrt{3.2^2+2.4^2} = 4 \text{ m }

\displaystyle \\

Question 2: The perimeter of a rectangle is \displaystyle 51.8 \text{ m } and its length is \displaystyle 16.5 \text{ m } . Find the breadth and the area of the rectangle.


\displaystyle \text{Breadth } = (\frac{Perimeter}{2} - l ) = \frac{51.8}{2} - 16.5 = 9.4 \text{ m }

\displaystyle \text{Area of a rectangle } = l \times b = 16.5 \times 9.4 = 155.1 \ m^2

\displaystyle \\

Question 3: The perimeter of a rectangle is \displaystyle 42 \text{ m } and its breadth is \displaystyle 7.4 \text{ m } . Find the length and the area of the rectangle.


\displaystyle \text{Length } = (\frac{Perimeter}{2} - b ) = \frac{42}{2} - 7.4 = 13.6 \text{ m }

\displaystyle \text{Area of a rectangle } = l \times b = 13.6 \times 7.4 = 100.64 \ m^2

\displaystyle \\

Question 4: The perimeter of a rectangle is \displaystyle 68 \text{ cm } and its length is \displaystyle 24 \text{ m } . Find its breadth, area and diagonal.


\displaystyle \text{Breadth } = (\frac{Perimeter}{2} - l ) = \frac{68}{2} - 24 = 10 \text{ m }

\displaystyle \text{Area of a rectangle } = l \times b = 24 \times 10 = 240 \ m^2

\displaystyle \text{Length of diagonal } = \sqrt{l^2+b^2} = \sqrt{24^2+10^2} = 26 \text{ m }

\displaystyle \\

Question 5: The length of a rectangle is \displaystyle 30 \text{ cm } and one of its diagonals measures \displaystyle 34 \text{ cm } . Find the breadth, perimeter and area of the rectangle.


\displaystyle \text{Breadth } = \sqrt{d^2 - l^2} = \sqrt{34^2-30^2} = \sqrt{256} = 16

\displaystyle \text{Perimeter of a rectangle } = 2(l+b) = 2(30+16) = 92 \text{ cm }

\displaystyle \text{Area of a rectangle } = l \times b = 30 \times 16 = 480 \ cm^2

\displaystyle \\

Question 6: The area of a rectangle is \displaystyle 19.6 \ m^2 and its length is \displaystyle 5.6 \text{ m } . Find the breadth and perimeter of the rectangle.


\displaystyle \text{Breadth } = \frac{Area}{l} = \frac{19.6}{5.6} = 3.5 \text{ m }

\displaystyle \text{Perimeter of a rectangle } = 2(l+b) = 2(5.6+3.5) = 18.2 \text{ m }

\displaystyle \\

Question 7: The area of a rectangle is \displaystyle 52 \ m^2 and its breadth is \displaystyle 6.5 \text{ m } . Find the length and perimeter of the rectangle.


\displaystyle \text{Length } = \frac{Area}{b} = \frac{52}{6.5} = 8 \text{ m }

\displaystyle \text{Perimeter of a rectangle } = 2(l+b) = 2(8+6.5) = 29 \text{ m }

\displaystyle \\

Question 8: The sides of a rectangular park are in the ratio \displaystyle 3 : 2 . If its area is \displaystyle 1536 \ m^2 , find the cost of fencing it at \displaystyle Rs. 23.50 per meter.


\displaystyle \text{Let the } \text{Length } = 3x and \displaystyle \text{Breadth } = 2x

\displaystyle \text{Therefore } 1536 = 3x \times 2x \Rightarrow x = 16 \text{ m }

\displaystyle \text{Therefore } \text{Length } = 48 \text{ m } and \displaystyle \text{Breadth } = 32 \text{ m }

\displaystyle \text{Perimeter of a rectangle } = 2(l+b) = 2(48+32) = 160 \text{ m }

Cost of fencing \displaystyle = 160 \times 23.50 = Rs. 3760

\displaystyle \\

Question 9: Find the cost of carpeting a room \displaystyle 12 \text{ m } long and \displaystyle 8 \text{ m } broad with a carpet \displaystyle 75 \text{ cm } broad at the rate of \displaystyle Rs. 116.50 per meter.


\displaystyle \text{Area of a rectangle } = l \times b = 12 \times 8 = 96 \ m^2

Length of carpet required \displaystyle =  \frac{96}{0.75} = 128 \text{ m }

Cost of Carpet \displaystyle = 128 \times 116.50 = Rs. 14912

\displaystyle \\

Question 10: A verandah \displaystyle 50 \text{ m } long and \displaystyle 12 \text{ m } broad is to be paved with tiles, each measuring \displaystyle 6 d \text{ m } by \displaystyle 5 d \text{ m } . Find the number of tiles needed.


Area of a verandah \displaystyle = l \times b = 50 \times 12 = 600 \ m^2

Area of a tile \displaystyle = l \times b = 0.6 \times 0.5 = 0.30 \ m^2

Number of tiles required \displaystyle = \frac{600}{0.30} = 2000

\displaystyle \\

Question 11: The length and breadth of a rectangular field are in the ratio \displaystyle 7 : 5 and its perimeter is \displaystyle 384 . Find the cost of reaping the field at \displaystyle Rs. 1.25 per sq. meter.


\displaystyle \text{Let the } \text{Length } = 7x and \displaystyle \text{Breadth } = 5x

\displaystyle \text{Therefore } 384 = 2(7x+5x) \Rightarrow x = 16 \text{ m }

\displaystyle \text{Therefore } \text{Length } = 112 \text{ m } and \displaystyle \text{Breadth } = 80 \text{ m }

Area of the fiels \displaystyle = 112 \times 80 = 8960 \ m^2

Cost of reaping \displaystyle = 8960 \times 1.25 = Rs. 11200

\displaystyle \\

Question 12: A room \displaystyle 9.5 \text{ m } long and \displaystyle 6 \text{ m } wide is surrounded by a verandah \displaystyle 1.25 \text{ m } wide. Calculate the cost of cementing the floor of this verandah at \displaystyle Rs. 28 per sq. meter.


\displaystyle \text{Area of outer perimeter } = (6+2 \times 1.25) \times (9.5 + 2 \times 1.25) = 8.5 \times 12 = 102 \ m^2

\displaystyle \text{Area of inner perimeter } = 9.5 \times 6 = 57 \ m^2

Therefore area of the verandah \displaystyle = 102 - 57 = 45 \ m^2

Cost of cementing the verandah \displaystyle = 45 \times 28 = Rs. 1260

\displaystyle \\

Question 13: A rectangular grassy plot is \displaystyle 125 \text{ m } long and \displaystyle 74 \text{ m } broad. It has a path \displaystyle 2.5 \text{ m } wide all round it on the inside. Find the cost of leveling the path at \displaystyle Rs. 6.80 per \ m^2 .


\displaystyle \text{Area of inner perimeter } = (125 - 2 \times 2.5) \times (74 - 2 \times 2.5) = 120 \times 69 = 8280 \ m^2

\displaystyle \text{Area of outer perimeter } = 125 \times 74 = 9250 \ m^2

Therefore area of the path \displaystyle = 9250 - 8280 = 970 \ m^2

Cost of leveling the path \displaystyle = 970 \times 6.80 = Rs. 6596

\displaystyle \\

Question 14: A rectangular plot of land measures \displaystyle 95 \text{ m } by \displaystyle 72 \text{ m } . Inside the plot, a path of uniform width \displaystyle 3.5 \text{ m } is to be constructed all around. The rest of the plot is to be laid with grass. Find the total expense involved in constructing the path at \displaystyle Rs. 46.50 per \ m^2 and laying the grass at \displaystyle Rs. 3.75 per \ m^2 .


\displaystyle \text{Area of inner perimeter } = (95 - 2 \times 3.5) \times (72 - 2 \times 3.5) = 88 \times 65 = 5720 \ m^2

\displaystyle \text{Area of outer perimeter } = 95 \times 72 = 6840 \ m^2

Therefore area of the path \displaystyle = 6840 - 5720 = 1120 \ m^2

Cost of constructing the path \displaystyle = 1120 \times 46.50 = Rs. 52080

Cost of laying the grass \displaystyle = 5720 \times 3.75 = 21450 \text{ Rs. }

\displaystyle \text{Total cost } = 52080 + 21450 = 73530 \text{ Rs. }

\displaystyle \\

Question 15: A rectangular hall is \displaystyle 22 \text{ m } long and \displaystyle 15.5 \text{ m } broad. A carpet is laid inside the hall leaving all around a margin of \displaystyle 75 \text{ cm } from the walls. Find the area of the carpet and the area of the strip left uncovered. If the width of the carpet is \displaystyle 82 \text{ cm } , find its cost at the rate of \displaystyle Rs. 124 per meter.


Area of carpet \displaystyle = (22 - 2 \times 0.75) \times (15.5 - 2 \times 0.75) = 20.50 \times 14 = 287 \ m^2

\displaystyle \text{Area of outer perimeter } = 22 \times 15.5 = 341 \ m^2

Therefore area of the strip left uncovered \displaystyle = 341 - 287 = 54 \ m^2

\displaystyle \text{Length of the carpet needed } = \frac{287}{0.82} = 350 \text{ m }

Cost of laying the carpet \displaystyle = 350 \times 124 = 43400 \text{ Rs. }

\displaystyle \text{Total cost } = 52080 + 21450 = 73530 \text{ Rs. }

\displaystyle \\

Question 16: A rectangular lawn \displaystyle 75 \text{ m } by \displaystyle 60 \text{ m } has two roads each \displaystyle 4 \text{ m } wide running in the middle of it, one parallel to length and the other parallel to breadth. Find the cost of graveling the roads at \displaystyle Rs. 14.50 per sq. meter.


Area of road running parallel to the \displaystyle \text{Length } = 4 \times 75 = 300 \ m^2

Area of road running parallel to the \displaystyle \text{Breadth } = 4 \times 60 = 240 \ m^2

Area of the road to be graveled \displaystyle = 300 + 240 - 4 \times 4 = 524 \ m^2

Cost of graveling \displaystyle = 524 \times 14.50 = 7598 \text{ Rs. }

\displaystyle \\

Question 17: The length and breadth of a rectangular park are in the ratio \displaystyle 5 :2 . A \displaystyle 2.5 \text{ m } wide path running all around the outside of the park has an area of \displaystyle 305 \ m^2 . Find the dimensions of the park.


\displaystyle \text{Let the } \text{Length } = 5x and \displaystyle \text{Breadth } = 2x

\displaystyle \text{Area of outer perimeter } = (5x+2 \times 2.5) \times (2x + 2 \times 2.5) = (5x+5) \times (2x+5)

\displaystyle \text{Area of inner perimeter } = 5x \times 2x = 10x^2

Therefore area of the path \displaystyle \Rightarrow (5x+5)(2x+5) - 10x^2 = 305

\displaystyle \Rightarrow x = \frac{280}{35}

Hence \displaystyle \text{Length } = 5 \times \frac{280}{35} = 40 \text{ m }

\displaystyle \text{Breadth } = 2 \times \frac{280}{35} = 16 \text{ m }

\displaystyle \\

Question 18: Find the perimeter, area and diagonal of a square each of whose sides measure: (i) \displaystyle 16 \text{ cm } (ii) \displaystyle 8.5 \text{ m } (iii) \displaystyle 2.5 d \text{ m }


(i) Perimeter of square \displaystyle = 4a = 4 \times 16 = 64 \text{ cm }

Area of square \displaystyle = a^2 = 16^2 = 256 \ cm^2

Diagonal of square \displaystyle = \sqrt{2} a = 16\sqrt{2} = 22.63 \text{ cm }

(ii) Perimeter of square \displaystyle = 4a = 4 \times 8.5 = 34 \text{ m }

Area of square \displaystyle = a^2 = 8.5^2 = 72.25 \ m^2

Diagonal of square \displaystyle = \sqrt{2} a = 8.5\sqrt{2} = 12.02 \text{ cm }

(iii) Perimeter of square \displaystyle = 4a = 4 \times 2.5= 10 d \text{ m }

Area of square \displaystyle = a^2 = 2.5^2 = 6.25 d\ m^2

Diagonal of square \displaystyle = \sqrt{2} a = 2.5\sqrt{2} = 3.535 d \text{ m }

\displaystyle \\

Question 19: The perimeter of a square is \displaystyle 28 \text{ cm } . Find its area and the length of its diagonal.


Perimeter \displaystyle = 4a \Rightarrow 4a = 28 \Rightarrow a = 7 \text{ cm }

Area of square \displaystyle = a^2 = 7^2 = 49 \ cm^2

Diagonal of square \displaystyle = \sqrt{2} a = 7\sqrt{2} = 9.899 \text{ cm }

\displaystyle \\

Question 20: The diagonal of a square is \displaystyle 5 \sqrt{2} \text{ m } . Find its area and perimeter.


Diagonal of square: \displaystyle 5\sqrt{2} = \sqrt{2} a \Rightarrow a = 5 \text{ m }

Perimeter \displaystyle = 4a = 4 \times 5 = 20 \text{ m }

Area \displaystyle = a^2 = 5^2 = 25 \ m^2

\displaystyle \\

Question 21: The diagonal of a square is \displaystyle 12 \text{ cm } long. Find its area and perimeter.


Diagonal of square: \displaystyle 12 = \sqrt{2} a \Rightarrow a = 6\sqrt{2} \text{ cm }

Perimeter \displaystyle = 4a = 4 \times 6\sqrt{2} = 33.94 \text{ cm }

Area \displaystyle = a^2 = (6\sqrt{2})^2 = 72 \ cm^2

\displaystyle \\

Question 22: The area of a square field is \displaystyle 32 \ m^2 . Find its diagonal.


Area \displaystyle = a^2 \Rightarrow 32 = a^2 \Rightarrow a = 4\sqrt{2}

Diagonal \displaystyle = \sqrt{2} a =\sqrt{2} \times 4\sqrt{2} = 8 \text{ m }

\displaystyle \\

Question 23: The area of a square is \displaystyle 81 \ cm^2 . Find its perimeter and the length of its diagonal.


Area \displaystyle = a^2 \Rightarrow 81 = a^2 \Rightarrow a = 9

Perimeter \displaystyle = 4a = 36 \text{ cm }

Diagonal \displaystyle = \sqrt{2} a =\sqrt{2} \times 9 = 12.727 \text{ cm }

\displaystyle \\

Question 24: A square field has an area of \displaystyle 625 \ m^2 . Find the cost of putting the fence round it at \displaystyle Rs. 32.50 per meter.


Area \displaystyle = a^2 \Rightarrow 6.25 = a^2 \Rightarrow a = 25 \text{ m }

Perimeter \displaystyle = 4a = 4 \times 25 = 100 \text{ m }

Cost of putting a fence around the field \displaystyle = 100 \times 32.50 = 3250 \text{ Rs. }

\displaystyle \\

Question 25: The cost of ploughing a square field at \displaystyle Rs. 13.50 per square meter is \displaystyle Rs. 5400 . Find the cost of fencing the field at \displaystyle Rs. 28.50 per meter.


Area of the field \displaystyle = \frac{5400}{13.50} = 400 \ m^2

Area \displaystyle = a^2 \Rightarrow 400 = a^2 \Rightarrow a = 20 \text{ m }

Perimeter \displaystyle = 4a = 4 \times 20 = 80 \text{ m }

Cost of fencing \displaystyle = 80 \times 28.50 = 2280 \text{ Rs. }

\displaystyle \\

Question 26: Find the area of the shaded region in the adjoining figure, \displaystyle 14 cm, AD - 12 cm, BC = 18 \text{ cm } and \displaystyle \angle DAJ = \angle CBA = 90^o .


Area of \displaystyle ABCD = 12 \times 14 + \frac{1}{2} \times 14 \times 6 = 210 \ cm^2

\displaystyle \\

Question 27: Find the area of the shaded region of the adjoining figure, it being given that \displaystyle \angle FAB = \angle CBA= 90^o ED \parallel AB \parallel FC EG \perp FC, DH \perp FC, FG = HC AB = 15 cm, AF = 9 cm, ED = 8 \text{ cm } and distance between \displaystyle AB and \displaystyle ED = 13 \text{ cm } .


Area of the shaded region \displaystyle = 9 \times 15 + 2 \times \frac{1}{2} \times 3.5 \times 4 + 8 \times 4 = 181 \ cm^2

\displaystyle \\

Question 28: Find the area of the shaded region in the adjoining figure, it being given that \displaystyle ABCD is a square of side \displaystyle 12 cm, CE = 4 cm, FA= 5 \text{ cm } and \displaystyle BG = 5 \text{ cm } .


Area of the shaded region \displaystyle = 12\times 12 - ( \frac{1}{2} \times 5 \times 7 + \frac{1}{2} \times 5 \times 12 + \frac{1}{2} \times 7 \times 8)

\displaystyle = 144 - 17.5 - 30 - 28 = 68.5 \ cm^2

\displaystyle \\

Question 29: Find the area of the shaded region of each of the following:


(i) \displaystyle BD = \sqrt{15^2 - 9^2} = 12 \text{ cm }

Shaded area \displaystyle = 8 \times 12 + \frac{1}{2} \times 12 \times 9 = 150 \ cm^2

(ii) \displaystyle AG = BD = \sqrt{5^2 - 3^2} = 4 \text{ cm }

Shaded area \displaystyle = 2 \times \frac{1}{2} \times 3 \times 4 + 6 \times 10 = 72 \ cm^2

(iii) Shaded area \displaystyle = \frac{1}{2} \times 9 \times 6 + 9 \times 18 + 6 \times 8 + \frac{1}{2} \times 6 \times 4 = 249 \ cm^2

(iv) Shaded area \displaystyle = 25 \times 14 - \frac{1}{2} \times 25 \times 14 = 175 \ cm^2

(v) Shaded area \displaystyle = \frac{1}{2} \times 3 \times 5 + 5 \times 14 + 9 \times 5 + \frac{1}{2} \times 3 \times 5 = 130 \ cm^2